The Labyrinth Shop offers replicas of historic & contemporary Labyrinth designs, artwork, jewelry and personal items made by the finest artisans. 


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The Chartres 11-circuit Labyrinth was completed in 1201 AD, during the re-building of the Chartres Cathedral in France. The Labyrinth has a 6 petal rosette in the center, representing either the six days of creation and/or the Virgin Mary. It has 113 teeth around the outside, thought to be a lunar calendar used to determine the date of Easter .

The Classic-7 (Cretan) labyrinth is one of the oldest labyrinth forms found in the world dating as much as 3,500 to 4,000 years in history. It is found in many cultures across the globe. They are scattered throughout the villages of the Scandinavian coast, Iceland, Africa, the Mediterranean, and other remote areas.